Weekly Training Plan/Log

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Monday, July 14, 2014

Week # 6 More than a Summary...

Recovery week.  By all accounts, I was recovered very early in the week.  Typically if I feel good by the middle of a recovery week, I use the weekend as a ramp up into the next training cycle.  I have yet to find any impact to doing so.  Whether I ramp up, or continue to use the weekend as part of the entire recovery cycle, the next week I always feel fresh.  If I need the weekend to help recovery, I always come out primed come Monday.

Ainsleigh on a short trail in Bozrah
Of the 38 miles for the week, nearly half came in on the weekend.  Though it was a mild one from a mileage perspective (18 in total).  This week I have started to use my heart rate monitor, targeting zone 2 (118 - 131) for all my runs starting Thursday.  My pace has slowed, but not to a crawl.  The biggest change that I need to perfect is my pace variability.  Depending on the slope, I either need to run harder or slower to stay in the zone.  Mini-fartlek, without exerting.  I have found that the runs are not as taxing on me.  Starting to think about putting back to back 10-12 mile runs together is less daunting.

Something for any of you medically trained folks.  I have always known that my effort at the start of my runs is higher for approximately a mile (note: this happens whenever I do not conduct a full warm-up.  Typically I stretch and run).  There is a point where my effort suddenly drops, which can correspond to a faster pace.  This week, I've been monitoring the HR at the start to see what is going on.  Interestingly enough, I've found the transition point at the 5 - 6 minute point.  At this point, my HR will drop 30 - 50 bpm and my pace can quicken an additional 30 seconds per mile with no effect.

For the week:

  • 2 strength / core days (Medicine Ball and Pedestal Routine*)
  • 2 days of Sand Routine (Ankle Strength)
  • 4 days Wharton's Active Isolated Stretching Routine (1-9)
  • 1 day of Runners' Yoga (Hips and Hamstrings)

Miles: 38 Miles
ToF: 5hrs 52min
Elevation: 1,686 ft (44 ft/mile)

* = 15 minute Pedestal Routine (Kansas State University Coaches Johnson and Smith):

  • 10 reps for each leg of Prone, Elbow-Stand, Single Leg Raise
  • 10 reps for each leg of Supine, Elbow-Stand, Single Leg Raise
  • 10 reps for each leg of Prone, Hand-Stand, Single Leg Raise
  • 10 reps for each leg of Supine, Hand-Stand, Single Leg Raise
  • 10 reps for each leg of Lateral, Elbow-Stand, Single Leg Raise
  • 10 reps for each leg of Lateral, Hand-Stand, Single Leg Raise 
  • 10 reps for each leg of Prone, Flexed-Knee, Single Leg Raise
  • 10 reps for each leg of Supine, Flexed-Knee, Single Leg Raise
  • 20 reps of Crunch, low reach
  • 20 reps, low reach, with Twist

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