5:45AM Wake up. Concerned as heart rate feels faster than yesterday. Cotton mouth. Damn alcohol. Two glasses of port during movie night with Heather had some residual effect.
5:50 bio break done. Weight is what??? 177 lbs. F'er is broke I am sure.
6:00 Heart Monitor on...not bad, but I am a few beats up from yesterday. Reboot PC, lay on floor to perform OHR test.
7:00 Jump in truck....damn Google maps...why can't you find Air Line trail East Haddem. Oh. Yes. I meant East Hampton. Grrrr...why are you taking me too downtown Colchester????
7:20 Departed Starbucks. Emergency pit stop. I think excess weight was legit. My cheat meal of Oakdale Pizza's Lasagna is fully processed. Finished off breakfast drink *430 calories
7:25 google maps is stupid. wrong turn. three point turn on back country road, barely wide enough for two cars. I have a Ford F350. I consume this road. Damn google maps.
7:30 finally arrive. Another emergency pit stop. Final preparations.
8:00 I'm Off!
Simulated Gun - "kapow"
Goal is a sub 5hr time for the 50k (31 miles), a 9:40 mpm pace. I felt I could go as low as 4hr 40min, a 9:01 pace. While I have a 50k PR, it is not one that turns any heads at. I've completed two 50k races, both were my introductions to the ultramarathon experience. With my first, at 2012 Oak Mountain (AL), I went in overly confident I could cruise at 8:30mpm and win by a mile. By 10 miles, I had discovered what racing long distances on hilly / mountainous single track could do to your body. I was still training more like a half marathoner, where speed still ruled. Not there. Close to dropping out, I finished the long (33 miles) course in 6hr 51min. Ok - I learned a bit on that one. Second attempt was at 2013 Lovin the Hills (KY). I ran a smarter race, but still had to resort to a miserable walk late in the race. I finished well,11th in 5hr48min, on yet another long course (32 miles). So the PR stood at 5hr 48min, despite having been on a long course.
Today's route was along the Connecticut Air Line trail, a 50 mile+ converted rail to trail system. It closely resembles the dirt roads found throughout New England, Arizona, and Utah (from my experience). You could run in the darkest of nights and not worry about spraining an ankle or tripping. At first glance, to the fresh legged runner, it appears flat. To those that have run it numerous times, and have run it when exhausted - the hills are low grade and long. Don't interpret this as a "hilly" trail course - just recognize that it isn't flat.
I had mapped out a round trip "L" formed course, with the plan to meet my family at the halfway point. I was going to stay in my Zone 2 heart rate (less than 131 bmp) for the first half, then accelerate as needed on the return trip. I felt good early, aided by a lengthy 5 mile slow descent. I could feel the pull, and the extremely low heart rate. I could feel the difference once the trail leveled out. I was dealing with a bit of pre-run over-hydration as I was stopping every two miles....2, 4, and 6. Normally not a concern, but with each stop I noted the average pace increasing on my watch. It was frustrating to see the good pace almost go to waste. Eventually it settled down, and I started drinking my Nuun again. I stopped twice over the rest of the run, so the hydration plan seemed to work.
Around 90 minutes I grew increasingly aware that I was approaching my transition point, the intersection where my laissez-faire approach to running will yield some discomfort. This is a common spot for that, but one I have been training to move later into the run. I was blessed today, as it was delayed until approximately mile 13. Nearly 2 hours into the run. That demon finally found me. 'Let's do lunch' I said, but that isn't his thing. Instead, he started playing with my mind.
Around 90 minutes I grew increasingly aware that I was approaching my transition point, the intersection where my laissez-faire approach to running will yield some discomfort. This is a common spot for that, but one I have been training to move later into the run. I was blessed today, as it was delayed until approximately mile 13. Nearly 2 hours into the run. That demon finally found me. 'Let's do lunch' I said, but that isn't his thing. Instead, he started playing with my mind.
So, Let's Dance MotherFucker
I entered the halfway point slightly ahead of my targeted best effort. 2hr 19min, at 8:59 pace. I filled up on Nuun (Electrolytes), Endurolytes (more electrolytes) and Vitargo (calories). A quick bio break, a kiss to the family and then off. A quick glance at my watch and the burden of the time was now weighing heavily on my mind. The brief 110 second stop raised my average pace up to 9:06 mpm - Fuck. Don't panic. 15.5 miles to make up 6 seconds per mile. For the non-math wizards out there, this doesn't mean I have to run 6 seconds per mile faster than 9:06. It means I must average 12 seconds better, or 8:54. The second half, with increasingly tired legs, fading mental strength, and a 5 mile uphill climb, must be faster than the fresh first half. Panic didn't pull up a chair and settle in the corner of my mind. I kept the door shut and began to strategize my comeback. I am every bit confident in my long kick capability (Sean knows it too well).
My 12 year old son, Matthew then joined me on the reverse "L" for the final 15.5 miles - his longest bike ride by 6 miles. He felt confident. We chatted a bit early, I enjoyed the company, except for the first mile. My mind was busy dealing with increasing fatigue and developing my approach so I could finish at a 9mpm average. Doing the math ate up time, but also mean I wasn't excited about idle chatter. After a half mile, I realized I had plenty of time to calculate and develop a plan - so I engaged in some short conversations with him. 'How long was his wait?', 'What is in his bag?', 'What did he think of this being his new longest ride?'. It was never a straight, long winded, conversation. It was enough though to eat up the first few miles. He was in good spirits...a must if he was going to successfully complete his biggest journey.
With 12 miles to go, I decided work on the plan - where was I going to accelerate. Make that push. At first, I thought to hold out till 8 miles remaining. Upon hitting 23 miles, the thought of picking up the pace and holding it for 70 minutes was too intimidating. Ok - new plan. Let's go after the marathon mark. 26.2 miles, less than 5 miles to go. The downside, that's the uphill. I was also keeping close tabs on the watch. My pace had trickled down a little bit. 9:05 by 17 miles, 9:04 at 19 miles. Then I was flipping around 9:02. One moment 9:02 average...then the next 9:01, then back to 9:02. I had calculated early on, that for every 2 seconds average pace, translated to a 31 to 61 seconds additional (or less) total running time. This meant a 9:02 pace could result in a 4hr 40min finish. Damn it. I will be four hours and thirty something. At the marathon point, 3:55:48, I finally hit the 9mpm. Now, I either must maintain it, or work for the gravy. I was at that point in a run where glancing down at the watch provided for only one response: "I ONLY WENT THAT FAR! ARGH!". Unfortunately I was down to the last few drops of water - my rationing turned into my reward system. I was only allowed to drink at mile markers. I calculated I would be out after mile 28. Matthew was now struggling. The kid initially rode ahead in the early miles, upwards of 100 meters. By this point, I was looking back concerned for his well being. I tried to provide encouragement and motivation, as we clicked down the miles. "Only 3 to go!!!"
With three to go, and basically enough water to feed an ant, I decided to put forth a sustained effort. The motivation, end this misery a minute early. In hindsight, while the effort was elevated, as demonstrated by my heart rate (average jumped 10bpm to 160 over that 3 miles), the pace was sustained around 8:50mpm. I crossed the finish line in 4hr 38min 16 sec -a personal best by more than an hour. I began to walk back and find Matthew, but didn't have to go too far. Upon seeing me, he stood up on his bike and accelerated through the finish. His longest ride to date. Text mom we are safe, and then off to the store to stock up on fluids. Great day!
- First Half: 2:19:26 (8:59 mpm)
- Turn-Around Aid Station 1 minute 50 seconds
- Second Half: 2:17:00 (8:50 mpm)
Total Elevation Gain: 1,879 Feet
Average HR: 139 bpm
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